With the growing influence of technology in our everyday lives, technological literacy is now more than a necessity. This influence of digitalization has both beneficial and harmful effects.

Unlock Your Digital Potential: The Power of Fostering Technological Literacy 

Technological Literacy simply refers to the knowledge of making the right use of technology, while keeping security, creativity, responsibility, and effectiveness in mind. Today, digital skills are imperative for young learners right from the initial stages of formal education. Because they are growing up in the ‘Information Age’, which has the impact of technology in each aspect of their human life.

Let’s understand the importance of technological literacy in more detail

Helps to Avail Opportunities Through the Accessibility of Education

Technological literacy empowers learners to access the best online resources at their respective locations easily. Today, convenient online instructions delivery options like 100% digital schooling have created alternative options for the best-quality education within the home settings for avid students.  This blessing of online schooling is possible only through technological literacy. Technology has brought the best educational experiences within the reach of each learner. And it has also helped in realizing the aims of inclusion in the real sense.

To Understand the Correct Use of Technology

This new age of gadgets and handheld devices also creates challenges in its own ways. Online harassment, cyberbullying, online abuse, cyberstalking, and other similar threats are now bigger than one can imagine. Therefore, our learners need digital literacy to be prepared for the digital world completely.

While embracing the benefits of technology, it is equally important to save our young generations from the dark face of the virtual world. Because these threats are now a cause of concern in every part of the world.

All in all, our students must know when to raise an alarm. And they will be able to identify these threats well in time only through the weapon of digital literacy.

To Make Meaningful Connections

Technological literacy also opens the doors of meaningful connections across the world. Students can now collaborate with cross-cultural peers from varied ethnic groups across the world through online tools. Technological literacy extends this opportunity for students to improve their skills. It also acquaints them with varied perspectives for the same issue in a digitally connected world. Digital abilities make all this possible for students.

A Foundation for Career Pathways

UNICEF considers digital literacy an imperative aspect of a child’s schooling. This empowerment is essential in this digital world. Because students will have to survive in a highly competitive post-pandemic world. It also throws light on the importance of technological literacy to acquire highly relevant 21st-century job-specific skills.

To Expand One’s Knowledge Base

Being digitally literate also helps students to deep-dive in a world of rich online resources. Online resources are affordable and readily available for students of all age groups and intelligence types. They can get loads of knowledge through mobile applications, online portals, videos, audiobooks, podcasts, and numerous other online resources. These learning opportunities extend learning, beyond the school premises. And seamlessly add meaningful dimensions to their existing knowledge base.

Preparation of Adulthood

Technological literacy is also a road to prepare for adulthood. Students in this digital age need the knowledge of digital tools and functionalities that are now a part of our everyday living. With technological literacy, they can then use technology to their advantage and make their lives more convenient.

The Ability to Identify Accurate Information

This New-age is full of information. But at the same time, it needs to be filtered and identified for accuracy. We know that each website and source of information across the internet is not 100% credible all the time. And here again, digital literacy saves us from believing fake/incorrect information.

Similarly, learners with digital literacy skills know how to identify bonafide domains. And distinguish between valid and invalid information sources easily and effectively. In this way, digital knowledge and skills are a savior for learners during their use of web resources/knowledge sources. In fact, this empowerment adds a dimension of relevance to the learner’s searching skills. As it makes them proactive, cautious, and watchful about illegitimate and misleading information.

Supports Interpersonal and Communication Skills

Technological literacy also makes way for new forms of communication such as e-mail, texts, messages, etc. It strengthens the learner’s communication skills. And makes them more proficient with everyday proofreading of written content. Digital literacy sharpens the language skills of learners and makes them more aware of the right selection of words while communicating with others. Today, when the world interacts through social media, this knowledge and etiquette help them to interact effectively and with others.

Improves Resourcefulness

Digitally literate learners are certainly more resourceful when it comes to finding the right information. They know how to pick the right sources and fetch accurate information at any given point in time. This skill saves their time and energy. And eventually, such kids end up being more productive. Resourceful learners also stand out due to their independent working habits. Because they are capable of carrying out their work on their own without much assistance.


Top international agencies like PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) support the inculcation of digital skills in students to develop resilience in them. The agency also highlights the importance of these skills to develop computational thinking in students.

Digital Literacy is also imperative to keep students safe against the potential threats of this digital world.

Final Thoughts:

Technological literacy is a supportive pillar that strengthens skillsets. And at the same time prepares students for a better living in this digital world. This empowerment creates communication pathways and brings forth the best learning opportunities at the doorstep of students.

Additionally, technological literacy also fosters emotional well-being in students. Which makes them more confident and collaborative individuals in society, later in life.

As stakeholders, we need to take charge of this responsibility. And empower our kids for this dynamic technology-driven world!

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