Importance of Regional Language in a Child’s Education

Building a Strong Foundation: The Importance of Regional Language for Young Learners

India is a vast country with an amazing linguistic diversity!

In 2011, the last language census data confirmed more than 121 languages of India. Of these, 22 were scheduled, and the remaining 99 + languages were categorized under the non-scheduled category. Hindi is the most preferred official language. Because it is the first language of nearly 425 million people in our country.

To celebrate our linguistic diversity in the true sense, we need a multicultural education system that accommodates the native languages of India. Fortunately, our policymakers are on the same page. Because our National Education Policy 2020 digs deep into this topic. And the recent education policy gives a lot of importance to the regional languages in a child’s education. Do you know that your child can benefit in many ways by knowing additional languages, including the less discussed regional languages?

Let’s explore more about this topic, and figure out the actual importance of regional language in traditional/online schools.

Read on.

What are Regional Languages?

As the name suggests, regional languages are the languages that are spoken by a smaller part/area or people in a country. For instance, regional languages like Gujarati, Kashmiri, Kannada, etc. are spoken mostly in specific parts of India.

How Many Regional Languages Do We Have in India?

According to the Official Language Wing (Legislative Department, Government of India), our country has the following 21 regional languages.

S. NoLanguage

What is the Importance of Regional Language in Education?

Let’s try to understand some points from the perspective of our policymakers i.e. The National Policy of Education, 2020.

Early Childhood Education

The National Policy of Education, 2020 focuses on Multilingualism and the power of language under point 4.11. The policy states the importance of the mother tongue or the home language to teach nontrivial concepts from the formative years of formal education till grade 5. This visionary policy also suggests using textbooks in home languages.

It is proved that bilingual teaching and learning material support better understanding in early childhood. Because young students connect to the languages spoken by their respective local communities easily (regional languages).

Popularizing Languages of India and Multilingualism

Native languages of India also help in popularizing language learning across the country and promote national unity as well. It is also a wonderful way of harnessing the cognitive benefits of multilingualism in the right age. Because a child can learn new languages easily between 2 to 8 years of age (point 4.12).    

Imparting High-Quality Education

Home languages eliminate all types of language barriers. Hence, by incorporating a regional language in the curricula we can enhance the overall quality of learning and also improve the students’ capacity to grasp concepts. In this age of online schooling, our government categorically highlights the need to extend learning opportunities through virtual resources (online and printable versions of textbooks).


<It is now possible to make the most of technology and improve language learning through the virtual medium. K8 School embraces diversity and protects ethnicity within its intercultural classrooms. Connect with our academicians to know the highlights of our online school programs!>

Moving on, let’s take up the need for teaching local and regional languages in an online school.

Why Regional Languages Should Be Taught in Online Schools?

Family Support and Inclusivity

A leading journal highlights some astonishing facts about the need for teaching a regional language in India (in both traditional and online schools). 65% of our population lives in rural areas. And only 2% of our population is proficient in speaking proper English. The data below clearly explains why many Indian students need the support of regional languages in the initial years of their formal education.  

Below is a synopsis that explains the condition of English in India.  

Speak EnglishSpeak Proper EnglishOnly Understand EnglishFluent in Hindi
Facts about languages

Percentage of Indians living in rural areas speaking regional languages

With the world’s largest school-going population (254.8 million students), Edtech is certainly the best option to teach any regional language in India. Connect with K8 School today to know about the most hassle-free schooling program for your child.

Prospects in the Global Workforce

Do you know that knowing an additional language can boost the salary and job prospects by up to 35% for a candidate?


This demand is also estimated to rise up to 56% over the next five years.

expected boost in job and salary by knowing regional languages

The competitive advantage is certainly a perfect reason why an online school must focus on the power of bilingualism and multilingualism in this globalized world.   

Read this related article “Why Learning A Second Language Is More Important Than Ever to understand how learning a second language can help your child.

Inter-Cultural Understanding

Knowing a regional language in India can give unmatched exposure to literature, traditions, books, movies, and content in a specific language. This makes an individual more tolerant. For students in the present time, developing intercultural understanding has an additional edge. Because our educational opportunities (online schools), workforce trends, and highly digitalized lifestyles are now beyond the proximity of all geographical borders.    

Improved Cognition and Socialization

When a student knows additional language/languages it helps the brain to shift focus better. Studies also prove that a bilingual individual is better at ignoring irrelevant information. Other than these benefits, understanding the native languages of India also helps an individual/speaker to socialize better (with other ethnic groups).

regional languages helps in cognition and socialization

Quick Tips for Learning a Regional Language

  • Select the right pace, and do not rush with unrealistic expectations.
  • Make use of online and offline resources (like worksheets, videos. etc.).
  • Try various activities including reading, speaking, and writing.
  • Check your pronunciation with peers or cross-check using virtual tools.
  • Practice regularly even if it is for a short time, and do not procrastinate.
  • Use mixed formats to break monotony (online and offline).
  • Interact with teachers/mentors or guides for doubt clearing.

Final Thoughts

Our children are blessed to live in a country with a rich linguistic legacy. Let’s try to weave this cultural fabric into our teaching and learning processes well. And play our part in nurturing a truly tolerant and accepting generation!

You can now discover a seamless success pathway for your child’s learning with K8 School. Know more about our programs, click Appointment Booking to connect with us.   

Thanks for Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What’s the meaning of regional language?
    A regional language in India is spoken by a specific part of a country’s population.
  • Elaborate on the regional language meaning and why is a common language important for a region.
    In a vast country like India, millions of people speak regional languages and preserve their linguistic diversity. Mostly, states languages in India have a unique cultural and traditional flavor represented by particular groups. However, a common language connects the largest fraction of the entire country’s population.
  • What is the importance of language?
    Language makes communication possible between individuals. In addition, it also transmits cultural heritage. And helps to develop one’s perspective towards life and social norms.   
  • Explain the importance of states languages in India?
    States languages in India have specific roles like preserving identities, and fostering a deep sense of belongingness for a community.

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