Importance of Writing Skills for Students in the Age of AI

Importance of Writing Skills for Students & How It Can Wonders for Them

Ever wondered if writing is still an important skill in this age of AI, keyboards, and typing intelligence?


Most of us are constantly surrounded by a stack of keys (keyboards) and touchpads.

But does this changing paradigm mean that our students do not need writing skills in the years to come? 

Join us as we decode the relevance of writing as a skill in this age of digitalization.  

Broadly, writing is a basic skill and an integral part of our day-to-day lives. And today, the importance of writing skills seamlessly translate into an essential job skill. In many ways, effective writing is associated with one’s academic success and the best opportunities in the job market. Let’s take you through some astonishing findings of the workforce before we discuss this skill in more detail.

According to the recent trends of this skill-driven world, writing skills in English are a gateway to a better career pathway in the job industry. Here’s a look at some related figures .

Survey findings

  • 73.4% of employers prefer to hire candidates with strong written communication skills.
  • 93% of the employers emphasized the importance of clear communication.

Indeed, the importance of writing skills goes a long way for students. And top schools like K8 School plan their instructional delivery with ample opportunities to hone these key skills in students.

<Know how K8 School helps to hone these skill sets in a virtual learning environment by visiting this page.>

Stay glued with us as we explore some dimensions of this imperative skill through this engaging write-up!

Let’s delve in right away starting with the definition part!

Definition of Writing Skill?

As per the dictionary definition of writing, it is a form of communication through a structured level of language used by humans (by convention). Similarly, the definition of skills is the ability to perform tasks that come through training or experience. Let’s move on to the next section and explore the importance of writing skills now.

What is the Importance of Writing Skills for Students?

Access to a Globalized World

It is not an exaggeration to call this present information age the era of communication across distances. Today, our globalized world is highly interconnected. And the power of written communication plays a vital role in eliminating all geographical barriers.

We already know that social media handles, media houses, journals, and professional communications offer some great ways to share information across the globe. However, one needs proficiency in the skill of writing in English to make the most of these channels. The best part is that students can be a part of a powerful online community if they possess sound skills of writing.   

Exploring Opportunities Across Distances

Communication is already a part of our everyday lives. And for students, writing is a great skill that improves access to the best educational and job opportunities beyond their native land.

Let’s give you some quick facts without digressing from the topic:

India’s Ministry of External Affairs published an estimate of the count of students studying abroad. The total number of these students was 1324954 in the year 2022. The top destinations are as follows:

In addition, the Indian government also envisages contributing to 25% of the global workforce by the year 2047.  

In this digital age, the scope of sound written communication also extends to remote learning opportunities, wherein students can access international education without stepping out of their homes. Again, these opportunities require writing skills, as mostly they use formal channels of written communication like e-mails, messaging, chats, AI assistance, etc. In other words, the writing skills in English widen the choices of online schooling, and virtual learning as well.   

Improves Learning

This importance of writing skills is interesting!

Do you know that a simple writing activity with a pencil and paper strengthens the process of a student’s learning?


Evidence proves that both writing and reading involve many senses. During the writing process, our brain receives feedback from the motor actions (touching pencil and paper). In this way, this activity of writing supports our learning better through the involvement of multiple senses.  

Isn’t this a super interesting fact that highlights the importance of writing skills?

Let’s jump to the next point about the skill for writing.

Relevant Skill-Building

You must have noticed that teachers/schools work day in and out to develop the skill of writing in English. Again, it is not without logic!

Encouraging students to write their thoughts, pen down articles, contribute to school magazines indulge in poetry, etc. has many unsung benefits. Internationally acclaimed centers have reiterated that penning down ideas and sharing stories help students to develop qualities like compassion, resilience, confidence, etc. Interestingly, these habits are also associated with better chances of developing a growth mindset. And this mindset helps in long-term success.

Better Mental Health

Researchers have also identified some more benefits of written communication. For instance, an interesting study shows that by disclosing information one can have many health and positive psychological consequences. So now that you know about these hidden advantages, get your child/student to pen down thoughts for a relaxed mind.

Do read a similar article to brush up your knowledge further about ‘The Importance of Communication Skills for Students’.

It’s time for some tips now!

Tips for Improving Writing Skills for Students (For Teachers in an Online/Traditional School)

  • Invest time in sentence crafting activities.
  • Make it fun with games (classic and innovative) like spelling bee and extempore activities etc.
  • Encourage students to read, and suggest supplementary reading material.
  • Be innovative with your language.
  • Add variations with voice modulation.
  • Focus on building a sound knowledge of grammar.
  • Use examples to help students use their imagination and record their ideas.

Final Thoughts

We hope this write-up helped you to understand the importance of writing skills in your child’s/student’s academic life and prospects in adulthood. Get ready to scale across the skill of writing in English. And relish the joy of nurturing a great communicator, FULLY CAPABLE OF MAKING IT BIG IN THIS INFORMATION AGE!

Thanks for Reading!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How important is writing skill?
    Globally, the skill for writing is a valuable asset for an individual both in student life and adulthood. It helps in exploring the best opportunities for online education and supports career prospects as well.  Many stakeholders are also acknowledging the importance in writing activities for pleasure as well.
  • What are the basic writing skills?
    Some of the common writing skills are comprehension, outlining, editing, etc. All these skills help an individual to make the most of the benefits of written communication.
  • Cite the importance in writing activities?
    Importance of Writing Skills/ activities help in developing a love for writing in students. These are also a way to promote their mental and emotional well-being.
  • How does K8 School develop writing skills in students?
    K8 School has a planned approach to hone these skills in students. Teachers ensure that they give enough tasks to students that involve writing. Parents/students upload their work to the learning platform. And teachers take charge of all further processes like assessing writing skills, sharing feedback for improvement, etc.

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